Thursday, January 20, 2011

Different Boobs In Husband Hand

gym is not possible .. (PART II) 4x14

the wake of the last micro-post it in a public format in the second part because I believe that those situations, as they may seem hypocritical, do not depend on me and persecute me. This new 2011 baptize in the name of the opposition! In full contrast to what is written in the post " Shampoo to eat" my mom, without my prior consultation, decide to buy a soap shower. What a coincidence that you look at products YOU SPEND MONEY :
If you can see fine details of the photo, my mother is fond of Palmolive in the first place, as evidenced by the soap now in part, in secundis I hope it was attracted by "new" on the package of soap, or else I am suffering for you: D.

In any case I decided to go deep into the thing, which will bring forward an interview here shortly.
identify with the character I mean "me" I am asking the questions, we identify R with my mother calling with a fancy name, Roman, who also happens to be the real name.

I: With that purpose you bought the new soap?
R: My primary objective was to wash and I believe that this product meets my needs.

I: Do you think that the spends to be competitive?
A: Yes , for good or bad all the same cost.

I: The soap has kept its promises?
R: Like other soaps, I was fat and the skin become more hygienic, resulting in a fragrance of tangerine extract

I: The fat, however, called sebum. Have you tried the soap?
R: No, but the smell would have been able to do so.

I: Your baby is cool?
A: Yes , too .. In addition to

wash your skin, we can see that my mother is not out of the spiral that has created around the soap. In addition to the skin just wash them, I think that has also been brainwashed, but I intend to take her to a center for anonymous soap to make it return a normal wife and mother. The last question is also a bit 'but confusing are the exact words of my mother; D.

With love from Monte Carlo
Robert Roman Amir

PS: photo 1) soap charged directly into my shower.


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