I have catalysed the boxes disappointment ..
And by that I mean something in Italian?
No, well more than anything else I would like to pass on to readers a bit 'of bon ton, as if we watch TV today, with Big Brother who curses and quarrels in the talk-show where you explicitly sent to hell, sure the badge for the preferential entry to hell do not no one takes it -.-''.
Right to TV programs revolves around the post today, that TV definitely has changed over time is that it is certainly not as the inventor had originally thought. First starting with the name xD! The engineer (engineer and I repeat, not an architect, surveyor, lawyer, accountant or plumber) Scot who invented it, the distinguished Mr. John Logie Baird, was also unable to call it as you wish! ! The term "television" was in fact established .. mmm ... I do not remember the day but in March 1947 during the World Conference on telecommunications held in Atlantic City with representatives of 60 nations in more than decide to call it television, they also unanimously decided to shorten it to TV. No, but I say, Let's say you invent a machine (the example of one that already exists), to spread the mortar on the walls to be constructed and you decide to call it spatula, in very general terms. Instead such a conference with representatives of Berlusconi, Blair, Merkel, and so they decide to call it nicely trowel (real name): nice but I demand the right to call my invention as I please, and do not pass joker because I called my creation so burlesque as trowel. Trowel, a name that says it all, however, xD. Poor man, I just hope that does not feel offended by the invasion of the Congress in its invention. Maybe if it had not happened like TV today would be called "gorgatano" type and we would use the common expression to say: "No guys, now do not go out and stay at home watching a movie in gorgatano.
wanted to make you laugh real -.-'?
From the break and I do not pretend to have fun like everyone else: P.
In any case, that funny guy John, like all men perhaps hoping to see some beautiful girl on the small screen: here he is satisfied with Samantha Fox or the navel with Raffaella Carra discovered (she has more trouble to appear on TV with the Tito so foibe but oh well xD). I hope that he had ruled out in advance for items such Platinette gay or who occasionally see on Rai, Cristiano Malgioglio , with that white tuft that gives me the milk in the knees. Let's leave Alfonso Signorini so much to comment on others, especially when he sits in Big Brother, but in any case only because the lynx is director the magazine "Chi" and why you feel cool with his program "Kalispera !"... but please ... this is the only gays in television who have been saved from Alessandro Cecchi Paone.
Moreover their response has been fantastic:
" In reference to your idea of \u200b\u200bany television program and / or fiction - film, we regret to inform you that the new office has been finally closed.
Therefore all material for this service will no longer be considered.
Thank you for your cooperation, we welcome the opportunity to send greetings.
Thank you for your attention "
the series made me feel very into account by Mediaset and indeed I would like to emphasize how he put the nose for programs:
- Kalispera! conducted by Signorini and that God will save me.
- mystery, although a little 'dust under the couch suddenly becomes work, or the Evil One or simply something that goes esoteric detail.
- Melaverde , where there is the Big Belly who only think of eating.
- Last, but not more serious than others, the legendary, the only, the seguitissimo " Tonight that evening! " led by Barbara D'Urso and has closed down after only two programs xD!! I leave you the link to the interview released by D'Urso on the complete and overt failure of the program: link.
And then they also courageously refused my proposal with a lot of thanks.
completely disappointed by the policy adopted by Mediaset, rather than continue to watch the Discovery Channel where the proposals are induced by the same television network and carefully evaluated, not dismissed as Mediaset (with Rai miss it because I feel they are already on the bales in principle for stories of the canon, and I do not want them to take credit for my brilliant ideas).
continue to watch and then the GF based on four boys and four girls who trumpet from morning to night and with a text message we deliberately sent them home if they do interesting stuff.
With this I retire to study again, because now is a bit like the harvest period in some, you do the tests and see what is harvested after six months of study: D.
With love
Robert Roman Amir from Monaco.
PS: photo 1) example of a trowel, 2) Cristiano Malgioglio 3) Mauro Coruzzi, aka Platinette, 4) mail sent to Mediaset on my part.
PPS: If you would like to see a video on youtube that I proposed the program, click the link below link
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