La Villa Menotti is one of the historic mansions of the City of Cadegliano Viconago. This is a series of buildings built since 1850, in an era in which the theme of the mansion began to lose force. The villas Cadegliano deserve careful consideration because they are a phenomenon of the exemplary way of organizing the territory in the hills of Varese.
It is, In fact, an entire country characterized by the presence of a large number of villas with landscaped gardens of some importance, whose genesis is to be found in a substrate and a social engagement with the tradition of great interest.
From the presence of so many parks and gardens in a residential cluster of little importance, shows the high interest environment in the complex, even more accentuated by the happy posture. Cadegliano fact lies in a green valley in north - east overlooking a branch of Lake Lugano (Lago di Lugano).
In the first half of the nineteenth century, the country suffered an unfortunate financial situation that has encouraged the emigration of many residents in large Italian cities, but also in Europe and America. Come back to this period of emigration, with a strong tradition of master masons, many have dedicated themselves to building the house.
In this context fits the personality that was more representative of the Giorgio Pellini, architect of the Villa Menotti.
Giorgio Pellini (Cadegliano died in 1874) worked in Milan at the side of the main architects of the time and returned to Cadegliano eclectic, contrary to what one might think, when it fell to him personally as a designer did not let himself get carried away by ' imitation of the very easy ways architecture used officially, but is linked to tradition local farm house in lodges, especially in the high Varese, was defined by a well-defined. His is a way forward in the great tradition of nineteenth-century historicism seems to assume that in the tradition alive and absolutely original. A
Cadegliano is the author of The Church of Santa Maria, Villa Pellini (1850), Villa Pelegatta Pellini (1860) and Menotti of Villa (1870). Even in Villa
Menotti, the eclectic taste appears next to the diagrams derived from local tradition. While keeping in part on the main facade of the traditional tripartite scheme, Villa Menotti though it differs significantly because it uses only the arcade on the ground floor. On the upper floors is kept the score three of the downtown area, obtained with the wise use of pilasters and cornices, but the lodge disappears to make room for traditional windows, central balcony.
planimetrically Although the house is limited to the traditional rectangle, has undoubtedly a complex landscape associated with the large park that surrounds it, suggested by the natural gradient that characterizes it.
Compared to other villas in the country, already has a preview of the character development of liberty, and is on three floors above ground and one underground level.
The villa was commissioned by wealthy Alfonso Menotti Giorgio Pellini, grandfather of the composer and librettist Gian Carlo Menotti (Cadegliano-Viconago, July 7, 1911 - Monte Carlo, 1 February 2007), the last family member to retain full ownership of the villa, until the 50s of the twentieth century, when his mother moved to the United States.
The location of the villa is dominant over the stretch of land where it stands. Menotti of Villa Park is characterized by the presence of many trees, evergreen and deciduous trees, some planted at the foundation of the building, then samples become centenarians. Over the years, some trees have subsequently been replaced or added, especially for what concerns or otherwise non-native exotic species. Inside
The park, which currently covers an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 3000 square meters, and was originally much larger, is also a source.
Today the villa is divided into several apartments and houses the headquarters of the well-known theater company Teatro Blue, directed by Silvia Priori.
This year, July 7 to 10, the house will host a festival organized by the company to celebrate the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gian Carlo Menotti, for which the company also has a new business dedicated to him . It will certainly be an excellent opportunity to admire the villa and the park, still beautiful, despite the pitfalls of time that would require a conserving surgery immediately.
"City of the provinces of Como, Sondrio and Varese, Lombardia 2, Santino Lange '. - Milan, Sisera, press 1968. - 411 p. : Ill. , 32 cm
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