Art, in all its nuances
This blog deals with the investigation and tell all the facets of art and its expressions through the publication of news and curiosities related to it, as well as its history. We will disclose information about current events or programming, special interest publications, surveys on issues of art and personal experiences from the professional world in which I work.
particular space will be given to events and news (present or historical) that relate to my homeland (the Matese), the place where I live (the Varese area) and all places with which I shall compare over time, proceeding thus, preferably, through the lumen of the direct knowledge of the facts narrated.
will also publish news about competitions, invitations, or work in progress, especially in architecture.
The sharing of these issues has the objective of dissemination and direct comparison with other stakeholders, in order to increase my knowledge and whet the interest of others on them.
sections in which the post will be divided: the architecture, with all its forms, painting, sculpture, design, photography, landscape, cinema and theater.
"Art is not a thing of numbers and compass: it is subject to the passions, prejudices, to the vogue of the day, the small influence of some extrinsic and material circumstances, and needs two human, which seemingly contradict: the need for novelty and surprise of the need to rest in the usual way. "Camillo Boito
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