recited an old and dated commandment carved on a stone table, since the table was being exposed to the weather but the command was completely erased, and the respect for it has waned over time . Do you want that is no longer fashionable, that people want is a bit fed up of the monotony, you change cars wife home motorbikes, why not change God?
The original is the one true God and money, where a certain Anna Kournikova claimed to be a disciple, and honestly he threw his spirit even to me. But I like a good Christian, not Catholic, but in the sense that my name is Christian right (joke, I just wanted to do some 'humor of the 90s xD) I was able to open their eyes and understand that money is still the top priority in life. Some people live for cats, lives just for the money, lives for his car, he lives to blow themselves up in a crowd or, for real, like me, lives to become Roberto Craftsmen ! The one true God of teleshopping, Paolo Bitta think he took reps he has the handle that "nothing is unsaleable" and if it happens to a filthy hands does not think twice and threw himself into the magical world of home shopping for the first sbolognarla inexperienced may fall xD.
My father himself was its potential to be a victim, but unlike my mother who buys the soap "cazzovia", my father promptly asked my professional opinion about the object that was about to buy: Mr. Car , eliminating dents. Since he has just bought a new car, my father is now in love with it and for its maintenance would be willing to spend any money. The important thing is "incoconargli (incoconare submit any object is said that he knew, subject to the presentation, will take) something for the care of the car: in this case Dr. Artisans (I I feel the same power to apply for accreditation to an honorary degree in economics and crediting the title of doctor) proposed an instrument equipped with two suction cups to attach it to the edge of dent on the body and a third for the same and drive to join all'ammaccatura the outside so that everything is as before the 'accident'. Unfortunately I can not find any pictures from the internet because it was a tool so stupid that only he could try to sell, and my father to buy it back xD.
tool also that can only run one kind of dent: one created by a person who collides with one of the side doors of the car, because in fact if the blow was over a sharp tool was already showing the first " bug," and if the blow was created by a traditional cake or a concrete pole centered in the middle of the casks had to leave to people more competent.
I would like to point out the beatings in the video are highly unrealistic because each time a disaster happens between the car but the dent is always the same amount .. Craftsmen! Are you a real fox!!
Let 's talk of his career since the 70's tried to sell any item, from the compressor to pin hair xD. Its website states: " omnipresent in TV for over 30 years, now depopulated on the internet thanks to YouTube and profiles (true or not) for the main social-network.
But who Craftsmen The telemarketer? arrived in tv .. or better say it came with the TV! (...) teleshopping are going crazy on youtube posted as to where comments rained almost daily rhythm, indicating that concerned whether or not an object of teleshopping Robertone ( ahaha yes, it's called self-Robertone ) shows always like "
Oh Robert ... hahahah but shoots less shit XD. Let's take a look at her amazing objects trying to sell:
- The compressor for only 49 € I will take home ... with 80 € Briko and I will go to buy the Black & Decker that
- The two office phone lines, in the sense that the number was only one graphic, but had a nice two-line xD!! The stove
- rotating halogen lamps: many non thankful for having set fire to the house with this adorable xD heater.
- The Magic Harry!! That was a kind of hair and rule justly call it more of a rule that a suction-dandruff hair (the photo above shows this object) xD link
- The girdle weight loss, which offered the opportunity to lose several pounds only having a elastic waist
- Cutter with blades all-purpose version of the Inconvenient boxcutter Swiss xD.
- The Power Player Super Joy: I dare not imagine how many old ladies have bought this kind of graphic playstation with 60 years convinced the happiness of their grandchildren. According to Craft this beautiful and functional console is the best one to give you an idea if you wanted to play Super Mario instead of seeing the little man did you see a red square that moved xD. The roaster
- : for 99 € I cook the chicken on a spit. Considering that I eat the chicken about 2 times a month, and that in my part of me is ready to eat 7 € with the animal raised in the wild, and whereas once cooked the price also includes spices and herbs that I do not know how to manage (in my supermarket is less, about 3 €), if I wanted to make costs (hoping to achieve by only same quality level of the grill) I wait 7 months to get to 98 and € 99 to overcome the wait 8 months (with the cost of the supermarket should I wait 17 months). I'm pretty sure the car will explode in the meantime ...
- The Breathalyzer! that stuff was so thick you had to choose whether to carry passengers or if the tool. Also, after 10 havana cola or a glass of water after 0:45 .. maybe always marked to please its owner into believing they are in good standing xD.
- Several other items of questionable origin and ineffectiveness sure xD.
I think does not need other credentials, his only commandment is to sell sell sell. And then he sends us to hell if we make love with our partner without the aim of procreation: D!!
So I think that he should become the God of the new century and I'm willing to take his word throughout the world with confidence that is accepted and if it does not renounce violence and terror dominating every other religion ... mmm ... I know a lot of extremist speech XD ..
With love
Robert Roman Amir Craftsmen
PS: photo 1) Roberto craftsmen at work, video 1) Car famous Mr.
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