On the day of the dedication of the parish church of San Nilo in Gaeta, on the memorial of the martyrdom SS. Cosma and Damiano, a delegation of the faithful went to Rossano (CS) to honor the place from which originated the pilgrimage of the Nile, Monaco and Saint
The eleventh centenary of the birth of Saint Nile at for spiritual enrichment, cultural and especially at unity among different parishes, and Rossano Gaeta united in reverence for the sanctity of same vessilo. In the last few days of 25 and 26 September 2010, a delegation from the Diocese and City of Gaeta took part in the celebrations in honor of Saint Nilus Abate was born in the city where the illustrious Monaco, Rossano.
The Archbishop of Gaeta, SE Rev.ma Archbishop Bernardo Fabio D'Honorius, Don Antonio Cairo Rev.mo pastor and deacon of the parish Victor Lauria, accompanied by a delegation of the faithful, who lived two days of intense spirituality in places that saw the birth and growth of young Nile.
The solemn Mass was celebrated by Archbishop of honor in the evening of September 25 in the Cathedral of Rossano: our pastor, during the homily, recalled the constant provision of all Nile St. 'alternation of the contemplative life to life socially committed. Nile always tried to support his need for solitude and asceticism cenobitic life and love others as we recalled D'honor, " unus Christianus nullus Christianus ": we are really Christians only if inserted in a community in which to grow spiritually and give himself to the next . That's the message of the holy Monaco Nile, constantly engaged in favor of the spiritual growth of the communities affected by his eventful pilgrimage .
the morning of September 26 was but the Eucharist Rev.ma presided by Archbishop Antonio Lucibello, Apostolic Nuncio of His Holiness Turkey. Lucibello Bishop stressed the importance of Turkish soil for the Christian people and the Middle East, Turkey and the Middle East, Christianity was to develop predominantly: lands in which they found in favor of momentum and sap the first Christian communities, travel Apostle Paul, the famous seven churches, and the monastic Fathers will be shining beacon for the greek-Italian monasticism. The testimony of Msgr Lucibello then emphasized the ecumenical character of St. prophetically Nile here is the extraordinary nature of this saint, he perceived the danger of division and rift between Christians happen even before the real schism. The presence of the Apostolic Nuncio in Rossano Turkey has since opened his eyes to the value that can now take the message of brotherly Nile: the holiness of Monaco, a researcher of unity among peoples, each of us should look to promote the communication even more enjoyable with the Orthodox world, Protestant , Jewish and Muslim.
culture The vicar of the Archdiocese of Rossano, the Rev.mo Archbishop Francesco Milito, then recalled that, in view of these initiatives, it is nice to know that and Rossano Gaeta, although geographically distant, feel close to the same veneration for the Holy Monaco Nile, a source of unity. And to demonstrate such a feeling of brotherhood, the parish community gaetana paid tribute to the wooden statue of St. Nilus of Rossano with the same jewel that currently adorns the statue of Gaeta.
But like all ancient devotional traditions, the most awaited moment of the day and participated Rossano was that the procession from the Cathedral, dedicated to SS. Achiropita, the parish of St. Nilus, through a succession of narrow streets and historic streets, dozens of Rossano have seen go like every year their beloved patron saint, and once again elected him as their intercessor with God's unfailing
Another aspect to be taken into consideration: the side of a saint as the Nile, actively engaged in politics to solve social ills of the most agonizing of his time, could not miss the civil authorities. The mayor of Ross, Professor. Francesco Filareto, welcomed the delegation of the City of Gaeta in the person of Vice-President of the Council of the City of Gaeta Marzio Padovani and Rosario Cienzo adviser. Filaret, Padovani Cienzo and actively participated in all the celebrations and planned initiatives in two intense days of festivities, proving that the festivities connected to the memory of the saints also positively affect the secular and civil.
The eleventh centenary of the birth of Saint Nilus was so worthily remembered even in the birthplace of the saint, and the delegation's visit to Gaeta in the Calabrian town was mainly an opportunity to discover the origin of holiness, visit the city where the Nile is born and has grown to investigate the environment means that made possible a simple Monaco became a living flame of love of God and prophetic At the heart of the ancient icon of Mary. Achiropita, kept in the Cathedral of Rossano, in the presence of the Nile which stopped to pray again. He constantly gave the protection of his Achiropita, its Odigitria, which led him along a path that led him in our Rossano Gaeta. A long and arduous because of faith, prayer, holiness and active militant of the Red Valleluce from Gaeta Grottaferrata, the path of the Nile has touched many central and southern locations, leaving them the most authentic and sincere testimony of Gospel of Christ. All of these places, with different traditions and history, are united by a single intense devotion to the Saint Nilus, who writes D'Onorio, teaches " love the Word of God, prayer and witness to the charity.
Joseph Mountain
In communion with Grottaferrata and Rossano Gaeta also joins the invocations to SS. with the title of Odigitria. As has been stated in the book "San Nile Abate. Civis Cajetanus " this particular title (the one that shows) is not a habit or an invention, as a historical memory that combines precisely the Achiropita Rossano of the Theotokos of Grottaferrata, via Gaeta on the way that traveled the Nile supported by faith in Mary, the one who actually showed him the way, the earthly and spirit.
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Fresco dell'Achiropita Rossano |
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