Thursday, September 30, 2010

How To Build With Corrigated Iron


A few years after the millennium of the death of Abbot St. Nilus (1004-2004), Gaeta recalled once again the memory of St Basil the occasion of 1100 years from birth , which occurred in 910 to Rossano, in Calabria. Between the tenth and eleventh centuries, the Nile, Nicholas was born, gave rise to a personal spiritual journey that went to meet the needs of the historical moment. That his journey, the ' οδός , went through the darkest depths of his troubled and individual history and world history that's around it. The niliana pilgrimage, as we felt having to baptize, has become a fundamental both to the history of the Duchy of Gaeta and for that of the Holy Roman Empire Western Empire in the hands of Otto III.
studies made over the past two years, just turned to a rediscovery of the roots of the figure of the Nile, brought us to follow step by step movement, also accompanied by three disciples chosen : St. Bartholomew, Junior, author of the biography of the Nile on which the studies were based, Santo Stefano di Rossano, beloved disciple, who died on the soil Serapo Gaeta and buried there; Hegumen St. Paul, the successor of the Nile to the Abbey of Grottaferrata they founded last leg of a trip of a lifetime, that of the Nile, who died at 94 years.
Serapo At that, the beach of Gaeta, focused study that will be out in September 2010 with a volume dedicated to the life of the Nile in the Duchy, or rather outside of it . Serapo has always been considered the new district of Gaeta. Error. It is as ancient as the walls castrensian and the Village. It was not just sand, but also lands cultivated by famuli ducal lords and small landowners, so that the number of inhabitants is Diplomatic Gaetano considered in the Code as part Serape civitas, citizenship Serapo.

The jubilee celebrations have started in March 2010 with the decree issued by HE Bishop Fabio Bernardo D'Honorius, Archbishop of Gaeta

Among the activities promoted by the parish, it should be noted the laudable work of students in middle schools of the City of Gaeta, the 'Prince Amedeo,' of which he is president, Dr. Marie Rispoli, and the 'Carducci', which is Principal Dr. Mary Frances May. By focusing on the figure of St. Nilus, students have also established a fruitful partnership with their peers across the City of St. Elias Fiumerapido, whose village of San Nilo Valleluce stopped for about fifteen years (980-994). A culmination of this collaboration between local and interscolastica, the boys visited Gaeta Sant'Elia Fiumerapido and similarly, been reciprocated the visit to Gaeta, under the auspices of Lions Club, directed, in 2009-2010, by Dr. Maria Teresa Di Cicco.
initiatives followed the same path of pre-jubilee, the parish has established a 'Committee for promoting the Jubilee of St. Nile', a 'scientific and cultural committee' for the realization of this work and a 'Committee of Honour' which also will pay homage to the event at the tight schedule in September.


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