arrival at work today and the first public website that I realized: Ceramica di Treviso .. ok, I did everything myself: D I have programmed the section with restricted access and I did the ass to program all of sub-xml .. that but does not load .. lol! Now let's see how to get out ..
However, the large parcel is coming and they tell me:-You have to make the site TrevisoDesign .. do the same .. changes only the written and beautiful there .- I say, how the fuck do I do it again if I do not have. fla file the original? Call around ... in short, do not have anyone ..
Bella there, and now I have to do me the reverse engineering of the whole fucking site and most importantly I integration between Flash and XML is not a fuck up. Cool .. I was hoping to fuck today. Then why are half in a frenzy at home to download After Effects 7 and I want to fiddle around a bit 'but I have no idea where the hell from ..
For those who have not yet figured out ... yes, I'm a nerd!
change the subject: Saturday was a banner of fear ... less than last year but still sharp .. assaie amused. I am no longer going to raves because I was in a coma for 3 full and hit the bed I fell asleep in 0.2. Yesterday I saw Ice Age 2 at the home of the roller with fioi. Cute, I liked the first more and then cmq are still of the opinion that should make a film only with Scrat!
I go back to rack your brains for'm working to do. Peace and good

Technorati Tags: nerdishish , trash talk
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