After many azzizzigggoggolamenti have finally managed to get a half-decent graphics for this blog (piles of skulls rulez). I am happy because recently I'm drawing a lot .. which in reality (even if I do a design school) I never really liked because I thought to be incapable. Then I finally started to book me I'm the Edwards (Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Betty Edwards), a book that I recommend to all, are simple exercises that allow you to those who believe to be a dog to learn to draw. It looks like a crap but it works! Just try it.
And so short. For the rest all ok now. I am a bit 'sad because my bitch Johnny there will be the party of Fabio .. I drugged and rape .. Abbe I'll settle for my girl! Anyway tonight is drunk as shit .. We have sponsored several hl by the School of Enology of Conegliano and I know that if I do not stop there, take me back to sleep at home in a wheelchair ..
So you're all invited to the home of Flabbi, cost of entry: a PIRIO.
If you come looking for me and I'm the one in charge chilum more .. Ah, now I also started a serious attention to that shit bubble that came to the piercing .... that two balls .... I'm putting aureomycin ... Ointment is yellow shit .. we hope that at least functions.
I'm going to eat .. tonight he gets there, or around, or in another life ...
PS. tonight there is a rave near Venice, but I will not go
PPS. tonight there is a rave in Piave ... see how it goes the evening: D

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