Every morning I make the trip forward to the office with my father. Every morning I go to take the "Journal" newspaper for almost disgusting how much crap, considerations, prejudices and superficial at the edge of fascism. Every morning for me is a new day of battle against the anti-prohibitionist that poor people do not understand my shit. More or less every day smoking a joint. This makes me a junkie S. Patrignano? For some, yes. For someone with a white nose. For some do not. For me, no. I do my thing. Work. Studio. I have good relationships with friends and colleagues. I am a normal person .. Ordunque. From today, the limit for personal dose increased from 500mg to 1000mg of cannabis. Scandalous .. But now I wonder. How the hell do I I know how many mg are there in my smoke cannabis or ganja in my? With a fucking empirical calculation? In short, Pakistani, White Widow, Orange Bud, Charas, Albanian and locks are the same thing ... The Oscar for stupidity goes to Mr Giovanardi with 1g of substance that can do 40 joints .. lucky him. I wish I could too. Special mention also to all political leaders such as Mussolini, Fini, Tremonti ... and many others who help our country to be one of the most mentally back in Europe. Special props Ruini, the Pope and not play politics. At the end here to return to the Middle Ages: a flock of sheep are afraid of everything .. Country of shit.

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